
Monday, 31 August 2015

How to find your perfect customer who will become a raving fan and a repeat buyer of your products and serices


How would you like to identify your perfect customer, one that will buy your products and services repeatedly and refer others.

This message is going to be a bit longer than usual but I am going to show you, how to find your perfect customer.

So in the last few weeks, I have been thinking while walking here in the Swiss Alps and swimming in the lake about my perfect customer whom we shall call John.

Please remember that John is a complete fictional creation of my mind.

So who is John?

John is 49 years old and lives with his wife Sue and their 3 children in the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

John loves his family and adores his kids but his main regrets are that he does not get enough quality time with his family and he also cannot provide the life he believes that they deserve.

John works for a large financial company in Chicago and commutes to work via train every day. John hates his job from which he currently earns $ 48,000 per year.

John's greatest desire is to have enough money to quit his job and spend more quality time with his family.

John usually wears short sleeves shirts and khaki pants with brown leather shoes. He always has had good eyesight but lately because of late hours on the computer he started wearing glasses. John does not exercise regularly and is 30 pounds overweight.

In short John is a bit miserable.

John has been dabbling on the internet for about 4 months, jumping from opportunity to opportunity spending a lot of time and money on the latest ideas.

John has been involved with MLM companies, affiliate marketing and have applied all the latest techniques to get "more traffic" to his business.

Things like buying solo ads, facebook ads etc. all to no avail.

John is now desperate and needs a breakthrough in his business.

Not only is John spending all his free time on the internet, he has also put himself in debt by "qualifying" into the next level of the latest Biz opp. he believes is the holy grail.

He cannot understand this, "If all these homeless people working with borrowed laptops can make it, why can't he?

I think John is a bit gullible and lately it has occurred to him that not everything he has heard about online success might be true.

His wife , the ultimate skeptic, has repeatedly told John that he is wasting his time and life away and should rather ask his boss for a raise. John's brother in-law is even worse, calling him an idiot.

John's family and friend think that John is trying to do this "internet thing" because he want's to be a rich playboy with a Ferrari and a mansion.

John's wife even mentioned the word "mid-life crisis" as John is fast approaching 50.

Even though John would like all the "things" money could buy he knows the truth.

What John will not admit is that his biggest fear is to lose and to be embarrassed.

John wants a lifestyle of freedom and wants to provide the best for his family.

John also wants to be significant and contribute to society.

Most of all he wants respect and credibility
. [ He REALLY wants to show his borther in-law ] and

John want's to feel young again.

So, this is my customer John ( remember he is fictional )
Now, why on earth did I describe John in such detail? ( By the way do you think the description is accurate? )

The reason why I did this, is because if I can identify with John and I can really understand what John needs, I can now build a relationship far beyond anything superficial with John and I can help John become who he wants to be. I can now add value to John's life.

By understanding John's real desires I can now make sure that everything I create, every email I send etc. speaks to John directly as a friend.

Now remember John is fictional and half the John's out there are Joan's but this is a tool for myself to keep my message right on target to my market.

Statistics show us that almost 80% of people make zero money online. With more than 16 Million online marketers in the US this means that there are millions and millions of people, "just like John" out there.


I wrote this letter to my friend, John

Maybe you can relate

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
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Sunday, 30 August 2015

3 Simple Steps To Autopilot Income

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Just a quick note to say thank you for being our subscriber,

As a bonus, I want you to have a look at this case study where my friend Jimmy

shows us how to go from Zero to $25 k a month and how you can use this to start generating your own money online.

So I want to let you in on some "inside" information
about our company…

… the number one way we generate money online?

(Sending Simple Emails)

That's right… nothing complex… nothing complicated.

Just a simple 3 step system…

We've just filmed (literally last week) a new video showing 
you how it's done.

Would you like to join me in sending simple emails for

(Watch this video training now)

I'm willing to bet YOU WILL LOVE T

To Your Wealth

Affiliate Power

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Your Free PDF Blueprint - The money is in the list [ One click download ]

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A while ago I sent you this PDF Blueprint  [ The money is in the list ]

I trust that you have read it and that you found a lot of value from it, in case you have 

not read it yet. Here is the link again:

If you have read this or you have been marketing online for a while, you know that 

building a list is only one aspect of a successful online business.

The sad fact is that 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people that start an online business never make a dime online.

The Main Reason?

The inability to get a return on traffic

Most marketers start of by purchasing traffic, they fail to make enough sales to cover the cost of the traffic and the end up without any cash, stuck in their business with no way moving forward. 

This is how and Internet Lifestyle Dream turns into a Nightmare:

So, How do we FIX this?

Here is what I have for you:

I have created a 29 page e-Book that outlines my step-by-step approach to solving this problem.

Firstly we will look at the 3 Pillars of a successful business and address those;

Then we will identify your perfect customer;

We will map out a "strategic funnel blueprint;

I will show you:

How to strategically take your prospect through a process of progression from prospect to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to repeat buyer and from repeat buyer to raving fan.

How to create a "Wheel of Perpetual Traffic"

How to create a "Fly trap" to convert customers

How to build your list with minimum effort

How to integrate social media, your "wheel of traffic" and your strategic funnel

and finally have Your Traffic PAY YOU.

I cannot explain everything in an email, so if this sounds interesting and you want to solve this problem then grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and hop over to my blog:

I am looking forward to showing this to you because not only would you have the potential to create cash-flow in your business, today but you will be miles ahead of any other online marketer.

So grab the link and let's get you started:

To Your Wealth

Affiliate Power

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Saturday, 29 August 2015

from a secret location - A Grand Design aka Evil Plan for Domination

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 The GRAND DESIGN – AKA The Big Evil Plan

In this post I want to outlay where I see things going and also suggest a plan of action with which I believe we can all make a tremendous amount of money. Like the great Gary Halbert said: "Maximum Money in Minimum Time."

Let me start with some background on our thinking here. Our main online business at Affiliate Power is our Sports Publishing business [We publish on Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Hunting & Fishing and a number of other things I won't go into now.].

Our major success came after we started following a "customer centered model". I told the story of how we created our imaginary fan, Johan and how our business exploded once we started to focus on his "core needs".

I then started thinking about the application of all of this in the "internet marketing (IM) Niche".

Thus we had the birth of John, our imaginary IM customer. If you have not seen the detailed description we have made of John and his core desires:

You can see it here:

After John was created I proceeded to strategically create "lead magnets" and "feeder web assets" that we will use to speak to the "core desires" of John.

The first thing I did was to set up a new email list in our autoresponder to capture the leads.

The next thing I did was to create a lead magnet called "A letter 2 John". – If you have not seen it, you can get a copy here: ,

In this letter the prospect is introduced to our first campaign called "Email Power". The customer receives a daily email with a lesson that addresses his core desire and his major needs as an online marketer.

Next on the agenda was to start the "feeders" for our "wheel of traffic", if you don't know what this is don't worry all will be explained over time.

Our feeders:

Facebook Page:

Letter 2 John:
Please, like the page – [This page is content only, we don't try to sell anything on the page]

We also set up a Twitter and Facebook hastag ‪#‎Letter2John. If you send a tweet with this tag inside, we shall re-tweet it for you.

Next step was two more lead magnets:

How to get 60,000 Facebook Fans without spending a dime on advertising. (… )


How to build a "Power List" that will make money for you forever.

Ok, We have enough ammunition now to convert John from a prospect to a lead.

The next order of business is to convert John from a lead to a customer;thus the "Fly Trap.

The "Fly Trap" is a $ 7.00 product designed to convert John from a lead to a customer.

What is important here is to realize that this "Fly Trap" is not just a cheap product. The lead magnets by which John was attracted were strategically designed to address John's core desires and the "Fly Trap" is also strategically designed for this purpose.

I am going to digress a little bit here to explain more about the strategic thinking. After I described John I really made an effort to research John so that I could really understand his core desires and needs.

Currently, in the US alone there are 16 Million people trying to make money online. 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people have not made a dime in their online business. So in the US alone there is a market of around 12.8 Million John's and Joan's.

That is Ladies and Gentlemen a potential US Market for our $ 7.00 "Fly Trap" of $ 89 Million and this is for one product only.

So why does so many online businesses fail?

The Main Reason: "The inability to purchase traffic / advertising at a profit."

What does our "Fly Trap" address? "The inability to purchase traffic / advertising at a profit."

Thus the name of our "Fly Trap" – How to get Traffic that pays you

I think by now you realize that when I say that some strategic thought went into this I mean it.

That was the initial set-up phase of this "evil scheme" to take over the IM niche. Now for the next chapter…

The next thing that will happen is that John will, after purchasing our "Fly Trap", finally start making money online.

Now John will start seeing the real potential in his business and his needs will shift. John is now going to need help to take his business to the next level.

Thus we introduce John to our "EXTREME POWER" coaching plan.

Conservatively we could make an average of $500.00 per year out of John with group coaching.

This brings our potential US coaching market to, hold on for this:

12.8 Million John's and Joan's x $500.00 = $ 6.4 Billion

Excited yet?

Now, let's step back a bit. Obviously I cannot service this market alone thus we need some help.

Here is the plan that we propose:

We have set-up a JV Partnership program for Affiliate Power with JVZoo and I want to invite all of you to become our JV Partners.

Here is what we will do for you when you become a partner.

– We will give you the source files of the lead magnets, so that you can insert your own affiliate links and use them as your own.

– We will give you all the email swipes, banners and sales material you might need.

– Our sister company, Embedded Downloads ( is in the process of developing mobile apps for our use. This is something that will drive extra traffic for us and make us unique in this space.

– We will provide ongoing training and new lead magnets and new "Fly Traps".

– Before I forget, you can obviously also still sell your other "core offers", there will be no restriction

Now here is where we are going to be different to any other Affiliate program. We are not going to run a competition and create superficial hype for a "launch period" and then leave you on your own.

Two major things:

We are going to run strategic campaigns with you starting right away. I will show you how to integrate the "Fly Trap" into your current business and create immediate cash with your current or even previously "dead" leads.
We will kick off with the initial Power campaign where we will engage your current leads and invite them with the Letter 2 John lead magnet, to join the email power list. If you remember, this is where the prospects get an email from you to join the email training. When the prospect signs up, you can then send them the daily lessons. We will provide you with all the lessons and you can then engage this with your customers –

I will show you, how at the end of each lesson can use a "power signature" to make an offer to the prospect.

This will be for one week which we can start running this weekend until next Friday

After week one, we will have 2 groups.

a.) The group who said no, which will be the largest group, as always. We will engage this group with a "Power Flash Sale" in which we will introduce a lower price and scarcity to entice them to convert to customers.

b.) Group 2 will be customers and you can now introduce them to your core offers and we can start laying the ground work for coaching.

Week 3:
We have what we call a "return to sender" campaign. The ground work will now be there for us to start our coaching classes and to make some real money.

Here is the real cherry on top. All of your affiliate links will be "hard coded" in our system. So once you have introduced a customer that customer will remain yours in our system forever and every new product that we launch, if that customer buys, you will get the affiliate commission.
So as you can see here we are not going to leave you to your own devices, we are going to "Demonstrate" to you that you can make money online be addressing the core issues that makes an online business work.

You see at the end of the day, every one of us is either a John or a Joan and if we cannot demonstrate to ourselves that our business will work, it never will.

Friends, I know this is a mouthful and you probably need some time to assimilate everything.

But if you are interested, here is where you need to start:

Become and Affiliate – by going here:
Sign up to our Affiliate list:
and the next steps will follow…

Please let me know your thoughts below

P.S. Oops, I forgot to mention the price of all of this. This system will cost what every affiliate program should cost.

The price is ZERO, Nada, Zip

So what are you waiting for? – Get started now: –


Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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GIFT - [ FREE Blueprint ] How to get money this weekend with a "Shock & Awe" - Power Campaign

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Hi Friends

Thanks for all the comments. I have taken the "Fly Trap Funnel" scenario a bit further and set out the first campaign I propose. [ would love to hear comments and input ]

You can start running this campaign now and get cash this weekend

Aiffiliate Power – "Shock & Awe" - Power Campaign.

The purpose of this campaign is to create a "WOW" in our prospect and the optimum chance of converting that prospect into a customer.

DAY 1: 

Current Leads:
- How to get traffic that pays you – "Fly Trap" Offer

New leads:
- Email download link for Free e-book, Offer Fly Trap
- Thank you subscriber email, Your Main Offer XXX

DAY 2:

- Letter 2 John Free PDF , [ You offer them free email training ], The reason for this is that you want to get them so sign up for another list on which you can them proceed to send them more content and make more offers. Use your Power Signature to ask them to Join you on Facebook, this is the start of your wheel of Traffic 


- Letter2John Free PDF Teaser Post [This is a long post, providing immediate content to your Facebook readers and then inviting them to get the Letter2John PDF. In the post make sure that you say – NO Opt In required and you send them directly to the download link. 

The reason for this is that you want to start providing value to your Social Media followers without asking them to do anything in return. The letter2John Free PDF is a Lead Magnet in its own right and will convert the prospect into a lead inside the PDF.

DAY 3: 

- How to build a Facebook Page with 60,000 Fans without spending a dime on advertising – FREE PDF Blueprint, Use your Power Signature to make the "Fly Trap Offer again"

SOCIAL MEDIA: - How to build a Facebook Page with 60,000 Fans without spending a dime on advertising teaser post with the same aim as the post in DAY 2.

DAY 4:

EMAIL – How to Build a "Power List Free PDF, this time you offer Your Main Offer XXX , inside the PDF and you use your Power Signature to repeat the Fly, Trap Offer.
SOCIAL MEDIA– How to Build a "Power List Free PDF, again same procedure as day 2.

What is the result of all of this?

Firstly we have created a lot of goodwill by providing a tremendous amount of FREE valuable content the "Shock and Awe" – way in excess of what the lead expected when joining our list.

Now at this point we will have:

 – some of our prospects will either buy the "Fly trap" or Your Main Offer XXX L and as soon as a lead becomes a customer by purchasing the customer is now removed them from this sequence and will be added to a "Power Up-sell Funnel" which we will provide to you.

Non Buyers
– Sadly, despite numerous points of offer interactions most people will still say no. We will then proceed to engage them into a "Flash Trap Funnel" where we will introduce an even lower price point and scarcity. 

 - You can engage by this funnel by just sending your current subscribers into the funnel or if you really want to get a super start you can use paid traffic.

 [Note: This funnel is optimized to convert so if you purchase traffic you want to buy high quality more expensive traffic, I will stay away from any form of cheap traffic. – My personal choice would be PPC traffic via Facebook, Google or Bing. ]

Ok, if this sounds interesting there are two ways for you to proceed.

1. You can copy the funnel and use your own lead magnets and Fly Trap; - I will be happy if you do this because then I know that at least I have provided you with some value.

2. You can work with me and my team will provide you with everything you need. The source files for the lead magnets, email swipes, the social posts and the email training sequence lessons.

Now, you are going to ask 

What will this cost?

We'll the magnificent price for this is a very round ZERO. There is no cost to you.

However you will need to become an affiliate of ours, which if I might add will only provide you with benefits as it is totally free to become our affiliate.


 Here is our affiliate page: -

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Friday, 28 August 2015

How the "Fly Trap" Funnel can put cash in your business today

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 Put immediate cash in your business with the "Fly Trap" Funnel.

Here is something that you can use to get some immediate cash into your business.

It's called the "Fly Trap" funnel. Let me explain.

The path most marketers take is this:

– Find a product to sell [ e.g. something on Clickbank ]

– Create a lead magnet [ Like a free ebook or report ]

– Create a squeeze page

– Send traffic to the squeeze page

– Send follow up messages about the product to the leads.


but here's the problem: – New marketers are finding it hard to make a positive return on their traffic.

So they spend a bit of money on traffic and if they don't get back at least what they spend, soon they are out of money and "stuck" on what to do.

There is a solution – I call it the "Fly trap" [ love fishing ] .

The fly trap is a very inexpensive product that you can "insert" into your funnel. We usually use a $7.00 fly trap but it can be as low as $1.00. The reason we want to do this is as quickly as possible "create a customer" – Why?

a.) A customer is infinitely more likely to buy something else from you than a lead.

b.)|They are very cheap to market to – they are already on your list or in your system.

and the second reason we do this, is we immediately start to get some cash back.

To give you an idea. In a sports business we have a $25 K per person up-sell for a tour with the team. More than 96% of these buyers were repeat buyers and more than 80% of them started of buy buying a $1.00 fan sticker.

So here is how we would insert a "fly trap" into your funnel.

Lead goes to squeeze page and signs up for free book.

We don't send them to the book download page immediately;
What we do instead is send them to a "custom" thank you page.

On this page we say – " Thank you for subscribing for "My XXXX), your book will be delivered via email within 15 mins ( Actually we have already sent them the book via auto-responder but we want to keep them on the page to make them an offer ).

So now we immediately proceed to offer them the "Fly Trap"

The next thing that happens is that they open their email to get the "XXXX-ebook" and in the email we say thank you and give them the link to get the book they subscriber for and then we use something we call the "Power Signature" – We say, almost as an after thought – By the way, have you seen… And we offer them the "Fly Trap " again.

Also on the same day we send them another email saying thank you for downloading "JXXXX Book" we hope you enjoyed it, as a BONUS for becoming our subscriber we have attached this video ( The sales letter for XXXX Product ), enjoy it and be sure to apply the concepts mentioned in your business it will really ad value

( And now you "sneak in" a strategic call to action.) by saying.. it was really a pleasure adding value to your business today and I am sure you will do the same for others. Please be so kind to leave a comment here on my Facebook page about XYZ.

See the difference?

In the traditional funnel you made one offer on day one for XXX

In the Fly Trap funnel you have made 3 offers; Once for XXX and twice for the Fly Trap. and you added a strategic call to action for the prospect to go to your Facebook page.

AND you have not given away any goodwill because all you did was send the person the thing he subscribed for to get on your list.

Do you think you will have a better chance of making a sale?

As marketers we know that the more offers we make, the more sales we will make. So over time we will have 3 times the conversion than we would have had with the traditional funnel.

AND this is only on day 1..

Now can you imagine what would happen if you start off by strategically designing your "Fly trap" to speak to the "core desire" of your lead and then add this whole process to the "Traffic Wheel" we have on the image?

Want to see more?

Where we will be discussing this in detail

Affiliate Power, 2 Station View, GU1 4JY, Guildford, United Kingdom
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Thursday, 27 August 2015

Your Instant Cash and 3 Lead Magnets

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On behalf of Affiliate Power and Embedded Downloads, we are proud to announce the launch of our Affiliate Program.

It's new, it's hip and it's going to give you our JV Partner the one thing you really want 

- the ability to get a positive ROI on your traffic.

Here's why: - Every product and every action we take are strategically designed to meet the "core desire" of the average "internet marketing" customer.

As an affiliate this is going to place you head-and-shoulders above any competition and our invitation is for you to work with use to make a success of your Affiliate Business.

We believe in the affiliate marketing model and we want to help as many people as we can to be successful.

Affiliate Power Mission Statement.

"To provide our customers with the tools, products and education that they need to be successful online entrepreneurs. We "over-deliver" to our customers and thus create a loyal "tribe" of followers with whom we can work towards mutual success"

Affiliate Power Vision Statement

"Creating an Online Empire in which we can do business all over the world from one central location while improving the lives of online marketers by helping them creating their own successful online businesses. To have the ability to work where we want, when we want, with whom we want, whilst contributing to society as a whole. In short TOTAL FREEDOM.

So this is our invitation:

1. Join us - It's Free

2. Test us with our first product, it's an inexpensive product so there is zero risk for you.

3. If you are satisfied, take our hand and let's grow your dream.

To you Affiliate Empire

See you on the inside - Let's do it!
Affiliate Power, 2 Station View, GU1 4JY, Guildford, United Kingdom
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How to get traffic that pays you.

If you are an online marketer and you are sick and tired of spending money on traffic that is not converting or giving you a positive return on investment, then this message is for you.

It is no fun spending all your time in front of your computer and spending all your money on ads without a return on investment.

Sound familiar?

Then I suggest you read this letter I drafted to help you with this.

I will show you, How you can step-by-step get Traffic that will pay YOU.

Thanks again and have a great day

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Another Free PDF Bonus [ How to build a Power List that will make you money forever}

As a Surprise "Bonus" - I have sent you a PDF download of my training:

It shows you step-by-step how to build your own "Power List"

Work once and profit forever.

Thanks again and have a great day

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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