
Monday, 28 September 2015

3 Simple Steps To Autopilot Income

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Just a quick note to say thank you for being our subscriber,

As a bonus, I want you to have a look at this case study where my friend Jimmy

shows us how to go from Zero to $25 k a month and how you can use this to start generating your own money online.

So I want to let you in on some "inside" information
about our company…

… the number one way we generate money online?

(Sending Simple Emails)

That's right… nothing complex… nothing complicated.

Just a simple 3 step system…

We've just filmed (literally last week) a new video showing 
you how it's done.

Would you like to join me in sending simple emails for

(Watch this video training now)

I'm willing to bet YOU WILL LOVE T

To Your Wealth

Affiliate Power

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Power Thoughts from Facebook

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Sunday is always good for reflection and learning

In the spirit of reflection and learning I created a new page on our blog. - 

Learn from the best minds about your online business and life in general. All the posts are selected to help you in your Affiliate / Online business.

Power Thoughts for Power Affiliates.. ;-)

Have a great Sunday 

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S.  As a thought for today - " The biggest risk you can take is to do nothing in today's changing world - Peter Marais 

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Protect your Free Gift [ Value $197.00 ] - Click to collect

As a thank you for being our loyal subscriber, We have sent you a FREE Gift.

Yes, you can now get our EMAIL:POWER course [ Value at least $ 197.00 ]

and for you it is 100% FREE

All you have to do is to sign up here

In this course we will show you step-by-step how to:

- Build your online business on the 3 Pillars of success
- Identify your perfect customer and turn him into a raving fan
-Build a mailing list that will pay you forever
Build a Facebook page with 1000's of engaged fans without spending a dime on advertising

and much, much more

Thank you again for being a loyal subscriber.

So don't wait - Click here to grab your free email course valued at least $197.00

To your wealth

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. This Gift will not be available forever so Click here to collect right now..
Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Monday, 21 September 2015

Protect your Free Gift [ Value $197.00 ] - Click to collect

As a thank you for being our loyal subscriber, We have sent you a FREE Gift.

Yes, you can now get our EMAIL:POWER course [ Value at least $ 197.00 ]

and for you it is 100% FREE

All you have to do is to sign up here

In this course we will show you step-by-step how to:

- Build your online business on the 3 Pillars of success
- Identify your perfect customer and turn him into a raving fan
-Build a mailing list that will pay you forever
Build a Facebook page with 1000's of engaged fans without spending a dime on advertising

and much, much more

Thank you again for being a loyal subscriber.

So don't wait - Click here to grab your free email course valued at least $197.00

To your wealth

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. This Gift will not be available forever so Click here to collect right now..
Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Sunday, 20 September 2015

Power Thoughts from Facebook

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Sunday is always good for reflection and learning

In the spirit of reflection and learning I created a new page on our blog. - 

Learn from the best minds about your online business and life in general. All the posts are selected to help you in your Affiliate / Online business.

Power Thoughts for Power Affiliates.. ;-)

Have a great Sunday 

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S.  As a thought for today - " The biggest risk you can take is to do nothing in today's changing world - Peter Marais 

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Friday, 18 September 2015

How to stop your Internet Lifestyle Dream from turning into a Nightmare

 This is the story of how an Internet Lifestyle Dream turned into a nightmare..

Long, long ago.. Actually not that long ago, about 2 years ago .. I had a dream.. 

The dream of building an automated internet business where I could buy a system, push a button and Millions will jump out of my computer but… here is the warning..
Caveat emptor ( "Let the Buyer Beware ) – When you have a dream, the marketplace is there with a solution and not one solution but many solutions that will make your dreams instantly come true..

And Oh boy, did I sell these solutions to myself and did I spend money buying them..
Affiliate Programs, Product Launches, Lead Generation systems, MLM's…. The Dream was fuelled by all the marketing and training material provided – "Just take Massive Action" – Boy, did I take action "Massive Useless Action"..

As Jim Rohn so eloquently stated: " If you motivate and Idiot, You get a motivated Idiot".. I have to confess, I was a very motivated idiot..

In reality this comes down to the sad fact that if you take Massive Action in the WRONG direction you get there very quickly indeed but even worse if you do not correct these actions, it leads to misery..

So here is what the Internet Nightmare Looks like ( Maybe someone can relate ).

The 124 hour plus work week ( Yes, I read the 4 hour Work week ☺. )

Spending a small fortune on push-button software;

Jumping from Opportunity to Opportunity looking for the "Holy Grail"

Spending a Fortune on advertising; -every possible idea – Name it, I have the T-Shirt
Actually building a list and then trying to sell, sell, sell to them creating no sustainable relationship with them;

Creating Social Media Pages to "Advertise" my products;

Checking email every 7 seconds – ( The 7 second rule – " If I don't click on my email every 7 seconds I will miss something important..);

Creating a number of blogs and writing 100's of blog posts to promote all of these opportunities..
etc. etc. etc..

The Real Effect of this Nightmare was that I spent all my time in front of my computer trying dig myself out of a hole ( while actually digging the hole deeper.. )

; My lifestyle was a shables ( I actually did all this while running another business ), I had not time to spend with my family, my lifestyle was not healthy at all ( sitting in front of a computer day and night drinking coffee..) and worst of all HOPING, DREAMING that things would change…

Reality check: Nothing will change unless I change.. I knew this, heard it many times but this is the problem with a Dream, in it's nature it blinds you to reality and if you keep dreaming you NEVER smell the coffee..

 I slowly realized ( very slowly – remember I was a motivated idiot ) that I am not checking my dream against reality.. Now this is strange for me because in my "real world business" I am a hard skeptic and would never make a mistake like this..but A DREAM is powerful and can blind any skepticism because really, a Dream like this is a wish for what we really want.. 

Now I am not saying that we cannot get what we really want but to get what we want we need a realistic plan.. A Dream is a "short cut" for the lazy person inside each of us..

So slowly the Dream became a Nightmare until, one day something saved me…

No – not some software code I discovered embedded in the pages of "The Secret" ( A program like this might be a best seller! )… No, what saved me is that I am a READER.. Yes, I have always read and through all this, even though I read much less than I used to, every now and then I read something..

 And one day I read Rich Schefren's, Internet Business Manifesto.. and it got me THINKING..

 Fortunately it is still legal to think and when I really started to think about it, I realized what an amazing Idiot I have been ( yes, a very motivated one!)..

I finally saw that I acted like an opportunity seeker online and NOT like an entrepreneur..

My Dream shattered because it was flawed, I dreamed of the easy life ( like the buyer of every lottery ticket..). This is what the opportunity seeker Dreams of: EASY MONEY..

Whereas the Entrepreneur Dreams of Building a Business.. The Opportunity seeker is just that, a seeker and consumer of opportunities, the Entrepreneur is the Creator of Opportunity..

You can see the full story on this video:

To help others I have created a Free email training series that will take you step-by-step and teach you everything you need to build a proper online business.
Start here - It will not cost you a dime for this training: -

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. I had lots of people emailing me lately with this Question: "Where can I get free or cheap traffic?"

Unfortunately this question illustrates a deeper problem.

The sad fact is that 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people that start an online business never make a dime online.

The Main Reason?

The inability to get a return on traffic

Most marketers start of by purchasing traffic, they fail to make enough sales to cover the cost of the traffic and the end up without any cash, stuck in their business with no way moving forward.

This is how and Internet Lifestyle Dream turns into a Nightmare:

So, How do we FIX this?

Here is what I have for you:

I have created a 29 page e-Book that outlines my step-by-step approach to solving this problem.

Firstly we will look at the 3 Pillars of a successful business and address those;

Then we will identify your perfect customer;

We will map out a "strategic funnel blueprint;

I will show you:

How to strategically take your prospect through a process of progression from prospect to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to repeat buyer and from repeat buyer to raving fan.

How to create a "Wheel of Perpetual Traffic"

How to create a "Fly trap" to convert customers

How to build your list with minimum effort

How to integrate social media, your "wheel of traffic" and your strategic funnel

and finally have Your Traffic PAY YOU.

I cannot explain everything in an email, so if this sounds interesting and you want to solve this problem then grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and hop over to my blog:

Here is the link:

I am looking forward to showing this to you because not only would you have the potential to create cash-flow in your business, today but you will be miles ahead of any other online marketer.

So grab the link and let's get you started:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to avoid SPAM Trigger Words in your emails

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Why are your messages getting caught up in spam filters?

The most common culprit would be the words that you are using in the subject line of your e-campaigns and these are easy to avoid.

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S.  Does it sometimes feel as if your "Internet Lifestyle Dream" is turning into a nightmare?

It happened to me and in this short Video I will tell you all about it and how you can avoid it.

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

How to win with Bing PPC

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How to win with Bing PPC is a 5 part VIDEO training series, by the Home Business Doctor David Thornton. 

If you are looking to make money with paid advertising, this training is just what the doctor ordered.

For Full Access t - FREE OF CHARGE,  to How to win with Bing PPC 5 Video training series - go here: -

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. I had lots of people emailing me lately with this Question: "Where can I get free or cheap traffic?"

Unfortunately this question illustrates a deeper problem.

The sad fact is that 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people that start an online business never make a dime online.

The Main Reason?

The inability to get a return on traffic

Most marketers start of by purchasing traffic, they fail to make enough sales to cover the cost of the traffic and the end up without any cash, stuck in their business with no way moving forward.

This is how and Internet Lifestyle Dream turns into a Nightmare:

So, How do we FIX this?

Here is what I have for you:

I have created a 29 page e-Book that outlines my step-by-step approach to solving this problem.

Firstly we will look at the 3 Pillars of a successful business and address those;

Then we will identify your perfect customer;

We will map out a "strategic funnel blueprint;

I will show you:

How to strategically take your prospect through a process of progression from prospect to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to repeat buyer and from repeat buyer to raving fan.

How to create a "Wheel of Perpetual Traffic"

How to create a "Fly trap" to convert customers

How to build your list with minimum effort

How to integrate social media, your "wheel of traffic" and your strategic funnel

and finally have Your Traffic PAY YOU.

I cannot explain everything in an email, so if this sounds interesting and you want to solve this problem then grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and hop over to my blog:

Here is the link:

I am looking forward to showing this to you because not only would you have the potential to create cash-flow in your business, today but you will be miles ahead of any other online marketer.

So grab the link and let's get you started:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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I need your help

Thank you for all the feedback on the email I sent yesterday, " How to stop your Internet Lifestyle dream into a nightmare".

I know this video will be of tremendous value and I am glad that I could do something for you and I know that you will do the same for me.

So, what I need your help with is to give me some feedback on the video. I would really appreciate it if you could leave your comments below the video

Thank you so much for your help and being a loyal subscriber

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. I had lots of people emailing me lately with this Question: "Where can I get free or cheap traffic?"

Unfortunately this question illustrates a deeper problem.

The sad fact is that 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people that start an online business never make a dime online.

The Main Reason?

The inability to get a return on traffic

Most marketers start of by purchasing traffic, they fail to make enough sales to cover the cost of the traffic and the end up without any cash, stuck in their business with no way moving forward.

This is how and Internet Lifestyle Dream turns into a Nightmare:

So, How do we FIX this?

Here is what I have for you:

I have created a 29 page e-Book that outlines my step-by-step approach to solving this problem.

Firstly we will look at the 3 Pillars of a successful business and address those;

Then we will identify your perfect customer;

We will map out a "strategic funnel blueprint;

I will show you:

How to strategically take your prospect through a process of progression from prospect to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to repeat buyer and from repeat buyer to raving fan.

How to create a "Wheel of Perpetual Traffic"

How to create a "Fly trap" to convert customers

How to build your list with minimum effort

How to integrate social media, your "wheel of traffic" and your strategic funnel

and finally have Your Traffic PAY YOU.

I cannot explain everything in an email, so if this sounds interesting and you want to solve this problem then grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and hop over to my blog:

Here is the link:

I am looking forward to showing this to you because not only would you have the potential to create cash-flow in your business, today but you will be miles ahead of any other online marketer.

So grab the link and let's get you started:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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Monday, 14 September 2015

How to stop your Internet Lifestyle Dream from turning into a Nightmare

 This is the story of how an Internet Lifestyle Dream turned into a nightmare..

Long, long ago.. Actually not that long ago, about 2 years ago .. I had a dream.. 

The dream of building an automated internet business where I could buy a system, push a button and Millions will jump out of my computer but… here is the warning..
Caveat emptor ( "Let the Buyer Beware ) – When you have a dream, the marketplace is there with a solution and not one solution but many solutions that will make your dreams instantly come true..

And Oh boy, did I sell these solutions to myself and did I spend money buying them..
Affiliate Programs, Product Launches, Lead Generation systems, MLM's…. The Dream was fuelled by all the marketing and training material provided – "Just take Massive Action" – Boy, did I take action "Massive Useless Action"..

As Jim Rohn so eloquently stated: " If you motivate and Idiot, You get a motivated Idiot".. I have to confess, I was a very motivated idiot..

In reality this comes down to the sad fact that if you take Massive Action in the WRONG direction you get there very quickly indeed but even worse if you do not correct these actions, it leads to misery..

So here is what the Internet Nightmare Looks like ( Maybe someone can relate ).

The 124 hour plus work week ( Yes, I read the 4 hour Work week ☺. )

Spending a small fortune on push-button software;

Jumping from Opportunity to Opportunity looking for the "Holy Grail"

Spending a Fortune on advertising; -every possible idea – Name it, I have the T-Shirt
Actually building a list and then trying to sell, sell, sell to them creating no sustainable relationship with them;

Creating Social Media Pages to "Advertise" my products;

Checking email every 7 seconds – ( The 7 second rule – " If I don't click on my email every 7 seconds I will miss something important..);

Creating a number of blogs and writing 100's of blog posts to promote all of these opportunities..
etc. etc. etc..

The Real Effect of this Nightmare was that I spent all my time in front of my computer trying dig myself out of a hole ( while actually digging the hole deeper.. )

; My lifestyle was a shables ( I actually did all this while running another business ), I had not time to spend with my family, my lifestyle was not healthy at all ( sitting in front of a computer day and night drinking coffee..) and worst of all HOPING, DREAMING that things would change…

Reality check: Nothing will change unless I change.. I knew this, heard it many times but this is the problem with a Dream, in it's nature it blinds you to reality and if you keep dreaming you NEVER smell the coffee..

 I slowly realized ( very slowly – remember I was a motivated idiot ) that I am not checking my dream against reality.. Now this is strange for me because in my "real world business" I am a hard skeptic and would never make a mistake like this..but A DREAM is powerful and can blind any skepticism because really, a Dream like this is a wish for what we really want.. 

Now I am not saying that we cannot get what we really want but to get what we want we need a realistic plan.. A Dream is a "short cut" for the lazy person inside each of us..

So slowly the Dream became a Nightmare until, one day something saved me…

No – not some software code I discovered embedded in the pages of "The Secret" ( A program like this might be a best seller! )… No, what saved me is that I am a READER.. Yes, I have always read and through all this, even though I read much less than I used to, every now and then I read something..

 And one day I read Rich Schefren's, Internet Business Manifesto.. and it got me THINKING..

 Fortunately it is still legal to think and when I really started to think about it, I realized what an amazing Idiot I have been ( yes, a very motivated one!)..

I finally saw that I acted like an opportunity seeker online and NOT like an entrepreneur..

My Dream shattered because it was flawed, I dreamed of the easy life ( like the buyer of every lottery ticket..). This is what the opportunity seeker Dreams of: EASY MONEY..

Whereas the Entrepreneur Dreams of Building a Business.. The Opportunity seeker is just that, a seeker and consumer of opportunities, the Entrepreneur is the Creator of Opportunity..

You can see the full story on this video:

To help others I have created a Free email training series that will take you step-by-step and teach you everything you need to build a proper online business.
Start here - It will not cost you a dime for this training: -

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

P.S. I had lots of people emailing me lately with this Question: "Where can I get free or cheap traffic?"

Unfortunately this question illustrates a deeper problem.

The sad fact is that 98% of online businesses fail and more than 80% of people that start an online business never make a dime online.

The Main Reason?

The inability to get a return on traffic

Most marketers start of by purchasing traffic, they fail to make enough sales to cover the cost of the traffic and the end up without any cash, stuck in their business with no way moving forward.

This is how and Internet Lifestyle Dream turns into a Nightmare:

So, How do we FIX this?

Here is what I have for you:

I have created a 29 page e-Book that outlines my step-by-step approach to solving this problem.

Firstly we will look at the 3 Pillars of a successful business and address those;

Then we will identify your perfect customer;

We will map out a "strategic funnel blueprint;

I will show you:

How to strategically take your prospect through a process of progression from prospect to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to repeat buyer and from repeat buyer to raving fan.

How to create a "Wheel of Perpetual Traffic"

How to create a "Fly trap" to convert customers

How to build your list with minimum effort

How to integrate social media, your "wheel of traffic" and your strategic funnel

and finally have Your Traffic PAY YOU.

I cannot explain everything in an email, so if this sounds interesting and you want to solve this problem then grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and hop over to my blog:

Here is the link:

I am looking forward to showing this to you because not only would you have the potential to create cash-flow in your business, today but you will be miles ahead of any other online marketer.

So grab the link and let's get you started:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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