Media Vault:Upload and store your media in a secure, encrypted and blockchain enabled environment.
Application development will continue bringing additional features all the time
Here is the most amazing partAs a trusted subscriber, you will be able to download the Embedded Vault entirely free of charge.
However, this is a limited offer - it will only be available for a very short time period, so you need to act fast.Here is what you need to do..
We will send you an email with download instructions shortly;
Please make sure that our email address is whitelisted so that it does not go to Junk mail;
As soon as you get your Download email, don't hesitate, download the application immediately, you want to get the free offer before it expires.
Here is something else to consider..EOT as Encryption CurrencyThe Embedded Vault and all its applications will use EOT [ Encryption of things ] as 'Encryption Currency" - EOT is the world's first "Encryption Currency" and will be used in IOT devices, devices that are connected to the internet.
Now consider this:
What will the impact of this product be on the demand for EOT? As you can imagine this could create huge demand and because EOT is a crypto currency trading on exchanges, you can position yourself to profit from this increased demand if you position yourself correctly.
To participate in the growth of EOT you can become involved with a very small amount:
Click here to learn more: - EOT the Bitcoin of Things
It is important that you keep an eye on your inbox and act immediately when you receive the Download email. [ We can only give Free downloads for a limited time ]
Don't wait to get involved with EOT - Start now